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Clark Creative Solutions delivers value-based results with a mission first attitude. Developing comprehensive solutions strategies to provide clients with quality professional services and cutting-edge support.

Cyber Security
Program Management
Intelligence Service
Computer & IT Services
Logistical Support
Training & Operations Support

Some of what we do includes:

Provided comprehensive support on COTS life cycle management programs for Department of Defense (DoD) WMD response units (i.e., United States Army Reserves Command (USARC) Recon and Decon Elements, National Guard Bureau (NGB) CBRNE Enhanced Force Packages, Marine Corps Chemical- Biological (CB) Incident Response Force, Army DCRF, and Army 20th Support Command (SUPCOM) (CBRNE))

Directs IBD requirements and prepares IBD Supplemental Weapons System Reviews and Execution and also serve as lead action officers for anti-terrorism and force protection, actively involved with Expeditionary Mission Support group (EMSG), Physical Security Equipment Action Group (PSEAG), IBD initiatives, and AATFB

Developed new techniques and training curriculum for the growth of SIGINT operations and analysis in Support of GWOT

Provided GEOINT, HUMINT, All-Source and CI reports to current JPEO operations. Also provided a national level database administrator, PKI Trusted Agent, and Searchlight Administrator for the NSA

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